The Most Beautiful Girl in Sword Art Online, Ranked

Choose the girl you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 22, 2024 07:02
Fans of Sword Art Online often engage in discussions about their favorite characters, notably debating which of the female characters could be considered the most beautiful. Such conversations not only enhance the community experience but also reflect the diverse preferences and perspectives that make anime fandom so rich. By ranking these characters, fans can contribute their views and see how others in the community feel about the characters’ designs and attributes. This live ranking invites all enthusiasts to cast their votes and influence the list dynamically. As votes are being constantly updated, the results fluctuate, offering a fresh perspective every time someone participates. This process ensures that each fan's voice is heard and that the rankings offer a current snapshot of community opinions at any given time.

Who Is the Most Beautiful Girl in Sword Art Online?

  1. 1

    Asuna Yuuki

    Asuna is known for her incredible beauty, long chestnut hair, and her skills as a swordsman. She's not only a powerful player in the SAO universe but also Kirito's partner.
    • Affiliation: Knights of the Blood
    • Weapon: Rapier
  2. 2


    Sinon, known for her cool beauty and sharp shooting skills in Gun Gale Online, captivates with her long aqua hair and calm demeanor.
    • Real Name: Asada Shino
    • Weapon: PGM Ultima Ratio Hecate II
  3. 3


    Leafa, with her strikingly vibrant green hair and fairy wings, stands out in the Alfheim Online world. She's known for her friendly personality and combat prowess.
    • Real Name: Kirigaya Suguha
    • Race: Sylph
  4. 4

    Alice Zuberg

    Alice, with her golden armor and striking blue eyes, embodies the essence of a knight. Her journey from an Integrity Knight to discovering her own path is compelling.
    • Weapon: Fragrant Olive Sword
    • Role: Integrity Knight
  5. 5


    Silica, with her petite stature and dragon companion Pina, brings a unique charm to the series. Her determination and growth as a player make her a beloved character.
    • Real Name: Ayano Keiko
    • Companion: Pina
  6. 6

    Yuuki Konno

    Yuuki, with her energetic spirit and profound strength, left a significant mark on the SAO world and its players. Her story is both inspiring and heart-wrenching.
    • Nickname: Zekken
    • Guild: Sleeping Knights
  7. 7

    Suguha Kirigaya

    Suguha, also known as Leafa in the virtual world, is recognized for her kendo skills and caring nature in the real world. Her struggle with her feelings for Kirito adds depth to her character.
    • Real World Skill: Kendo
    • Relationship: Kirito's cousin
  8. 8


    Lisbeth, or Rika Shinozaki, is beloved for her pink hair, spunky attitude, and unmatched skills as a blacksmith in SAO. Her close friendship with Asuna also highlights her warm personality.
    • Real Name: Rika Shinozaki
    • Profession: Blacksmith
  9. 9


    Sachi, remembered for her tragic story and gentle nature, deeply affected Kirito's journey. Her brief appearance left a lasting impact on fans and the series' protagonist.
    • Guild: Moonlit Black Cats
    • Influence: Significant emotional impact on Kirito
  10. 10


    Kureha is a character exclusive to the game 'Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet'. Her strong will and determination make her a memorable character within the game's universe.
    • Game: Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
    • Role: Player's guide and friend

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful girl in Sword Art Online. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or girl is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 209 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each girl once every 24 hours. The rank of each girl is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Girl in Sword Art Online

Asuna Yuuki
Rank #1 for the most beautiful girl in Sword Art Online: Asuna Yuuki (Source)
Sword Art Online, a popular anime, captivates fans with its engaging storyline and memorable characters. The series dives into a virtual world where players must fight to survive. Among these characters are many strong, intelligent, and beautiful girls. Each one brings her unique charm and skills to the story.

The creators designed these characters with great care. They gave them distinct personalities, which makes them stand out. Their beauty is not just skin deep. It comes from their courage, kindness, and determination. These qualities make them beloved by fans.

One key aspect of these characters is their strength. They face many challenges and never back down. Their bravery inspires others and shows that true beauty lies in one's actions. They fight not just for themselves, but for their friends and loved ones.

Another important trait is their intelligence. These girls often come up with clever strategies to overcome obstacles. They think quickly and adapt to changing situations. This sharp mind adds to their appeal and makes them formidable allies.

Kindness also plays a big role in their character. They show compassion to those around them, even in tough times. Their empathy helps them connect with others and build strong bonds. This caring nature is a key part of their beauty.

Their determination is unmatched. They set goals and work hard to achieve them. This drive pushes them forward, even when the odds are against them. Their perseverance is a testament to their inner strength.

The visual design of these characters is also noteworthy. The artists put much effort into creating detailed and appealing looks. Each character has a unique style that reflects her personality. This attention to detail adds depth to their beauty.

Fans of Sword Art Online appreciate these characters for many reasons. They admire their strength, intelligence, kindness, and determination. These traits make them more than just pretty faces. They are role models who inspire and captivate viewers.

The series showcases the importance of inner beauty. The girls in Sword Art Online prove that true beauty comes from within. Their actions, thoughts, and feelings define them. This message resonates with fans and adds to the show's appeal.

In conclusion, the most beautiful girl in Sword Art Online is not defined by her looks alone. Her beauty is a blend of strength, intelligence, kindness, and determination. These qualities make her a standout character who leaves a lasting impression. Fans admire her for who she is and what she represents. This combination of traits makes her truly beautiful in the eyes of those who watch the show.

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