The Most Popular City in Indonesia, Ranked

Choose the city you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 06:46
When considering a place to visit or relocate within Indonesia, the choice can often feel overwhelming due to the country's rich array of vibrant cities, each with its unique charm and offerings. By aggregating public opinion on these varied urban landscapes, a clearer picture emerges, showcasing which cities resonate most with both locals and visitors. This interactive voting system invites you to contribute by casting your vote for the city you believe stands out the most in Indonesia. Your input is crucial in helping others gauge popular opinion and make informed decisions. Real-time results ensure that the rankings reflect current trends and preferences, offering an up-to-date guide on the nation's preferred urban destinations.

What Is the Most Popular City in Indonesia?

  1. 1


    The capital city of Indonesia, known for its bustling economy, vibrant culture, and as a political hub.
    • Population: Approximately 10.56 million (2020)
    • Province: Special Capital Region of Jakarta
  2. 2


    The largest city in Sumatra, Medan is known for its diverse cultures, cuisines, and as the gateway to North Sumatra.
    • Population: Approximately 2.41 million (2020)
    • Province: North Sumatra
  3. 3


    The second-largest city in Indonesia, known for its significant role in the country's economy and history.
    • Population: Approximately 2.89 million (2020)
    • Province: East Java
  4. 4


    Famous for its universities, technology, and a thriving creative industry, Bandung is a major educational and cultural hub.
    • Population: Approximately 2.39 million (2020)
    • Province: West Java
  5. 5


    The capital city of South Sumatra, known for its historical significance as the capital of the Srivijaya maritime empire.
    • Population: Approximately 1.7 million (2020)
    • Province: South Sumatra
  6. 6


    An important port city and the provincial capital of South Sulawesi, Makassar plays a crucial role in trade and commerce.
    • Population: Approximately 1.43 million (2020)
    • Province: South Sulawesi
  7. 7


    Capital of Central Java, Semarang is a historic city known for its colonial architecture and as a commercial hub.
    • Population: Approximately 1.65 million (2020)
    • Province: Central Java
  8. 8


    A key industrial and tourist city located close to Singapore, known for its free trade zone and rapid development.
    • Population: Approximately 1.2 million (2020)
    • Province: Riau Islands
  9. 9


    One of the most populous suburbs of Jakarta, Bekasi is known for its industry and as a commuter city.
    • Population: Approximately 2.93 million (2020)
    • Province: West Java
  10. 10


    A city in West Java, part of the Jakarta metropolitan area, known for its education and research institutions.
    • Population: Approximately 2.01 million (2020)
    • Province: West Java

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular city in Indonesia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or city is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 134 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each city once every 24 hours. The rank of each city is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular City in Indonesia

Rank #1 for the most popular city in Indonesia: Jakarta (Source)
Indonesia is an archipelago with many vibrant cities. One city stands out as the most popular. This city is a blend of tradition and modernity. It is a bustling metropolis with a rich history and culture.

The city has a tropical climate. It experiences a wet and dry season. The wet season runs from November to March. The dry season spans from April to October. The weather is humid throughout the year.

The city is an economic hub. It attracts people from all over the country. Many come for job opportunities. The city has a mix of industries. These include finance, manufacturing, and services. It is also a center for commerce and trade.

The city has a diverse population. People from different ethnic groups live here. This diversity is reflected in the city's culture. The city hosts many cultural festivals. These festivals celebrate the traditions of various communities. The city's food scene is also diverse. You can find dishes from different regions of Indonesia.

The city's infrastructure is well-developed. It has a network of roads and highways. Public transportation includes buses and trains. The city also has a major airport. This makes it a gateway to other parts of Indonesia.

The city is home to many landmarks. These include historical sites and modern buildings. Some landmarks are centuries old. They tell the story of the city's past. Others are new and represent the city's growth.

Education is a priority in the city. It has many schools and universities. These institutions offer quality education. They attract students from across the country. Some universities have international partnerships.

The city has many parks and green spaces. These provide a respite from the urban environment. Residents and visitors enjoy these areas. They are places for relaxation and recreation.

The city also has a vibrant nightlife. There are many bars, clubs, and restaurants. These places offer entertainment for all tastes. The city comes alive at night with music and lights.

Shopping is a popular activity in the city. There are many malls and markets. These places offer a range of products. From high-end brands to local crafts, there is something for everyone.

The city faces challenges as well. Traffic congestion is a major issue. The government is working on solutions. Pollution is another concern. Efforts are being made to improve air quality. Despite these challenges, the city continues to thrive.

Tourism is a significant part of the city's economy. Many tourists visit each year. They come to experience the city's culture and attractions. The city offers a mix of old and new. This makes it an interesting destination.

In conclusion, this city is a dynamic and diverse place. It is a center of culture, commerce, and education. Despite its challenges, it remains a popular destination. Its blend of tradition and modernity makes it unique. The city continues to grow and evolve. It is a place where the past and present coexist.

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