The Most Popular Digimon, Ranked

Choose the Digimon you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 08:03
Fans of Digimon understand the challenge of sorting through a plethora of digital forces to determine those that stand out in terms of popularity and power. This site addresses that by offering a dynamic listing where fans can cast votes based on their preferences and experiences. The ranking reflects real-time changes as more votes are cast, continuously updating the hierarchy based on user input. Each vote contributes to the accuracy and relevance of the listings, helping both new and veteran fans identify which Digimon are currently resonating with the community. By participating, users not only influence the rankings but also see how their favorites stack up against others. This creates an engaging and interactive experience that enhances understanding and appreciation for the diverse characters in the Digimon universe.

Who Is the Most Popular Digimon?

  1. 1


    Agumon is a Reptile Digimon whose name and design are derived from the onomatopoeia for biting. It is known for its role as the partner of Tai Kamiya in the Digimon Adventure series.
    • Debut: Digimon Adventure
    • Partner: Tai Kamiya
    • Evolution Line: Botamon - Koromon - Agumon - Greymon - MetalGreymon - WarGreymon
  2. 2


    Gatomon is an Animal Digimon. It has a very mysterious air about it, and it is said to be able to see the future with its special ability. It is very dexterous and is able to use its claws effectively.
    • Debut: Digimon Adventure
    • Partner: Kari Kamiya
    • Evolution Line: Nyokimon - Salamon - Gatomon - Angewomon - Magnadramon
  3. 3


    Gabumon is a Reptile Digimon. Although it is covered by a fur pelt, it is still clearly a Reptile Digimon. Due to its extremely timid and shy personality, it always gathers up the data which Garurumon leaves behind, and shapes it into a fur pelt to wear.
    • Debut: Digimon Adventure
    • Partner: Yamato Ishida
    • Evolution Line: Punimon - Tsunomon - Gabumon - Garurumon - WereGarurumon - MetalGarurumon
  4. 4


    Veemon is a Dragon Digimon. It is relatively small and young. It has the ability to armor digivolve using the Digi-Eggs.
    • Debut: Digimon Adventure 02
    • Partner: Davis Motomiya
    • Evolution Line: Chibomon - DemiVeemon - Veemon - ExVeemon - Paildramon - Imperialdramon
  5. 5


    Patamon is a Mammal Digimon. It is characterized by its large ears, and is able to fly through the air by using them as big wings, but because it only goes at a speed of 1 km/h, it is definitely not fast.
    • Debut: Digimon Adventure
    • Partner: T.K. Takaishi
    • Evolution Line: Poyomon - Tokomon - Patamon - Angemon - MagnaAngemon - Seraphimon
  6. 6


    Terriermon is an Animal Digimon. It is an extremely precious Rookie Digimon that is a twin to Lopmon. It is dressed in its holy white fur and is highly intelligent and calm.
    • Debut: Digimon Tamers
    • Partner: Henry Wong
    • Evolution Line: Gummymon - Terriermon - Gargomon - Rapidmon - MegaGargomon
  7. 7


    Renamon is an Animal Digimon with the appearance of a fox. It is a Digimon with extremely high intelligence and agility. It is also very cool and calm.
    • Debut: Digimon Tamers
    • Partner: Rika Nonaka
    • Evolution Line: Relemon - Viximon - Renamon - Kyubimon - Taomon - Sakuyamon
  8. 8


    Guilmon is a Reptile Digimon. It has an appearance like a dinosaur that still retains its youth. Although it is still a Rookie, its potential as a 'Combat Species,' something which all Digimon naturally possess, is very high.
    • Debut: Digimon Tamers
    • Partner: Takato Matsuki
    • Evolution Line: Jyarimon - Gigimon - Guilmon - Growlmon - WarGrowlmon - Gallantmon
  9. 9


    Omnimon is a Warrior Digimon. It is a Digimon formed from the DNA digivolution of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon due to the powerful wills of everyone who wished for goodness.
    • Debut: Digimon Adventure: Our War Game!
    • Components: WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon
    • Role: Royal Knight
  10. 10


    Impmon is a Mini Devil Digimon. It loves pranks and it has a cunning personality. However, it is also lonely, since it is shunned as a troublemaker.
    • Debut: Digimon Tamers
    • Evolution Line: Kiimon - Yaamon - Impmon - Beelzemon
    • Notable Transformation: Beelzemon

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Digimon. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Digimon is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 172 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Digimon once every 24 hours. The rank of each Digimon is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Digimon

Rank #1 for the most popular Digimon: Agumon (Source)
Digimon, short for "Digital Monsters," began as a virtual pet in 1997. Created by Bandai, these creatures live in a digital world parallel to our own. Each Digimon has a unique design, personality, and abilities. They can evolve, or "digivolve," into stronger forms. This process often changes their appearance and powers.

The franchise includes anime, manga, video games, and toys. The anime series played a key role in its popularity. It follows a group of children, known as DigiDestined, who partner with Digimon. Together, they face challenges and fight evil forces in the digital world. The bond between the children and their Digimon partners is central to the story.

Digimon's appeal lies in its rich lore and character development. Each Digimon has a backstory and a distinct evolution path. Fans enjoy watching their favorite Digimon grow and change. The battles are also a major draw. Digimon use a variety of attacks, each with unique effects. Strategy and teamwork are crucial in these fights.

The video games offer another way to engage with the Digimon world. Players can train, evolve, and battle their Digimon. These games often include complex storylines and multiple endings. Some games focus on raising Digimon, while others emphasize combat or exploration. This variety keeps the franchise fresh and exciting.

Manga adaptations provide more depth to the Digimon universe. They often explore different storylines and characters than the anime. This allows fans to see new sides of their favorite Digimon. The artwork in the manga also brings the creatures to life in a different way.

Toys and merchandise are a big part of Digimon's success. Action figures, cards, and other items allow fans to collect and interact with their favorite Digimon. These products often include rare or exclusive items, adding to their appeal.

The community around Digimon is active and passionate. Fans share theories, fan art, and stories online. Conventions and events bring fans together to celebrate their love for Digimon. This sense of community helps keep the franchise alive and thriving.

Digimon's success can be attributed to its compelling characters, engaging stories, and diverse media. The franchise continues to evolve, much like the creatures it features. New series, games, and products keep fans coming back for more. The bond between Digimon and their partners remains a powerful theme, resonating with audiences of all ages.

In conclusion, Digimon has carved out a unique place in popular culture. Its blend of adventure, friendship, and digital intrigue captivates fans worldwide. The franchise's ability to adapt and grow ensures its lasting appeal. Whether through anime, games, or other media, Digimon continues to enchant and inspire.

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