The Most Popular Model Scale, Ranked

Choose the model scale you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 1, 2024 07:04
Collecting model scales is a passion for many, each with a preference for different types or eras. Knowing which models are favored by others can guide new collectors and help seasoned enthusiasts notice emerging trends or underestimated gems. A dynamic list, fueled by your votes, reflects current collective appreciations and insights. Your participation shapes this living list, turning it into a rich resource that benefits all who share this hobby. By voting for your preferred models, you help create a snapshot of what's cherished in the community. This not only assists others in making informed choices but also celebrates the diversity within the collection space.

What Is the Most Popular Model Scale?

  1. 1


    Popular for aircraft, military models, and some spacecraft.
    • Common Use: Aircraft and Military Models
  2. 2


    Used for aircraft models and some space models, including the popular Gundam series.
    • Common Use: Aircraft, Spacecraft Models
  3. 3


    Popular in diecast car models and slot cars, also known as S scale in railways.
    • Common Use: Diecast Cars, Slot Cars, Model Railways
  4. 4


    A common scale for car models, including plastic model kits and diecast.
    • Common Use: Car Models
  5. 5


    Known as N scale in model railways, popular for its small size allowing for extensive layouts.
    • Common Use: Model Railways
  6. 6


    A popular scale for military models, especially tanks and armored vehicles.
    • Common Use: Military Models
  7. 7


    The most popular scale for model railways, especially in HO scale.
    • Common Use: Model Railways
  8. 8


    Used for ship models and some aircraft models, allowing for detailed models in a compact size.
    • Common Use: Ship and Aircraft Models
  9. 9


    Common for aircraft models and large-scale military models.
    • Common Use: Aircraft and Military Models
  10. 10


    Widely used for aircraft models, also known as quarter scale.
    • Common Use: Aircraft Models

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular model scale. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or model scale is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each model scale once every 24 hours. The rank of each model scale is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Model Scale

Model building has been a popular hobby for many years. Enthusiasts enjoy creating detailed replicas of various objects. These objects range from vehicles to buildings. The scale of a model refers to its size compared to the original. The most popular model scale is easy to work with and offers a good balance of detail and size.

People appreciate this scale because it allows for intricate details. At this scale, you can see fine elements that make the model look realistic. Builders can add small parts that resemble those on the real object. This level of detail makes the finished model more satisfying.

Another reason for its popularity is the availability of kits and parts. Many manufacturers produce kits in this scale. This means that hobbyists have many options to choose from. They can find models of almost any object they want to build. The wide range of choices keeps the hobby interesting.

The size of the models in this scale is also practical. They are large enough to work on without straining your eyes. At the same time, they are small enough to display easily. You can place them on a shelf or in a display case without taking up too much space. This makes it easier to collect and show off your work.

Building models in this scale can also be a social activity. Many people join clubs or online groups where they share tips and show their models. These communities provide support and inspiration. Members often hold events where they display their models and compete in contests. This adds another layer of enjoyment to the hobby.

The cost of kits in this scale is reasonable. While some high-end kits can be expensive, many are affordable. This makes it easier for beginners to get started. Even experienced builders can find kits that fit their budget. The affordability helps keep the hobby accessible to a wide range of people.

The tools needed for building models in this scale are also easy to find. Basic tools include glue, paint, and a hobby knife. Many hobby shops and online stores sell these items. Some kits even come with the tools you need. This makes it simple to gather everything required to start building.

Instructions for assembling models in this scale are usually clear. Most kits come with step-by-step guides. These guides help builders understand how to put the parts together. Even those new to the hobby can follow along and complete a model. The clear instructions reduce frustration and increase the chances of success.

Building models in this scale can be a relaxing activity. It requires focus and patience, which can help reduce stress. Many people find that working on a model helps them unwind. The sense of accomplishment when finishing a model is also rewarding.

In conclusion, the most popular model scale offers a great balance of detail, size, and availability. It is practical, affordable, and accessible. These factors make it a favorite among hobbyists. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced builder, this scale provides a satisfying and enjoyable experience.

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