The Most Popular Steppenwolf Song, Ranked

Choose the song you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 28, 2024 07:16
Music fans often debate which songs are the best, especially when it comes to influential bands like Steppenwolf. Their songs have defined a generation and remain timeless, but it's challenging to agree on which track stands out the most. By organizing a list where everyone can vote on their favorite Steppenwolf songs, it provides a clear picture of popular opinion. As fans cast their votes, the list continually updates to reflect changing tastes and new listeners discovering the band's catalog. This dynamic ranking gives an insight into the collective preferences of fans, old and new. Every vote contributes to a broader understanding of which songs resonate the most with audiences, creating a community-driven guide to Steppenwolf's best music.

What Is the Most Popular Steppenwolf Song?

  1. 1

    Born to Be Wild

    One of the most iconic rock songs, known for its association with motorcycle culture and the 1969 film Easy Rider.
    • Release Year: 1968
    • Album: Steppenwolf
  2. 2

    Magic Carpet Ride

    A psychedelic rock classic that showcases the band's ability to blend rock and roll with a groovy, immersive sound.
    • Release Year: 1968
    • Album: The Second
  3. 3

    Hey Lawdy Mama

    A blues rock track that became a fan favorite, often played live with great energy and interaction.
    • Release Year: 1970
    • Album: Steppenwolf Live
  4. 4

    The Pusher

    A song that criticizes drug dealers and was also featured in the film Easy Rider, adding to its popularity.
    • Release Year: 1968
    • Album: Steppenwolf
  5. 5

    Rock Me

    A song that highlights the band's blues rock influence, featured prominently in their live performances.
    • Release Year: 1969
    • Album: At Your Birthday Party
  6. 6

    Move Over

    A high-energy song that exemplifies the band's rock sound, with powerful vocals and guitar work.
    • Release Year: 1970
    • Album: Monster
  7. 7

    Snowblind Friend

    A poignant song about the dangers of drug addiction, showcasing the band's ability to tackle serious issues in their music.
    • Release Year: 1970
    • Album: Steppenwolf 7
  8. 8

    Sookie Sookie

    An energetic track that showcases the band's rock and soul influences.
    • Release Year: 1968
    • Album: Steppenwolf
  9. 9

    Ride With Me

    A song that captures the spirit of freedom and adventure, similar in theme to 'Born to Be Wild'.
    • Release Year: 1971
    • Album: For Ladies Only
  10. 10

    It's Never Too Late

    A song that embodies the late 60s ethos of hope and change, with a more mellow, reflective tone.
    • Release Year: 1969
    • Album: At Your Birthday Party

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Steppenwolf song. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or song is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 163 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each song once every 24 hours. The rank of each song is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Steppenwolf Song

Born to Be Wild
Rank #1 for the most popular Steppenwolf song: Born to Be Wild (Source)
Steppenwolf, a rock band formed in the late 1960s, has left a lasting mark on music. They are known for their raw sound and powerful lyrics. The band's name comes from a novel by Hermann Hesse, which reflects their deep, artistic roots.

Steppenwolf's music often features heavy guitar riffs and strong vocals. Their songs capture the spirit of rebellion and freedom. This resonated with many during the turbulent 1960s and 1970s. The band's style blends rock with blues, creating a unique sound that stands out.

The band members brought diverse influences to their music. John Kay, the lead singer, was born in Germany and moved to Canada before settling in the United States. His distinct voice and songwriting skills helped shape the band's identity. Other members also contributed to the band's signature sound, each bringing their own flair.

Steppenwolf's rise to fame was swift. They released their debut album in 1968, which quickly gained attention. Their music became a staple on the radio and in live performances. The band's success continued with several more albums, each showcasing their evolving sound.

The band's lyrics often touch on themes of freedom, individuality, and social issues. They spoke to a generation seeking change and self-expression. This connection with their audience helped cement their place in rock history.

Steppenwolf's impact extends beyond their music. They influenced many other artists and bands. Their songs have been featured in movies, TV shows, and commercials, keeping their legacy alive. The band's message of freedom and rebellion continues to inspire new generations.

Despite changes in the music industry, Steppenwolf's songs remain popular. They capture a moment in time while also being timeless. Their music invites listeners to reflect on their own lives and the world around them.

Steppenwolf's journey has had its ups and downs. They faced challenges, including changes in band members and the evolving music scene. Yet, they managed to stay relevant and maintain a loyal fan base. Their dedication to their craft and their fans is evident in their enduring popularity.

The band's influence is undeniable. They helped shape the rock genre and left a lasting legacy. Their music continues to be celebrated and enjoyed by fans old and new. Steppenwolf's place in rock history is secure, thanks to their distinctive sound and powerful messages.

In conclusion, Steppenwolf's contribution to music is significant. Their songs capture the spirit of an era and continue to resonate today. The band's unique sound and meaningful lyrics have ensured their lasting impact on the music world.

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