The Most Popular Category on TikTok, Ranked

Choose the category you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:44
With the ever-changing landscape of online content, figuring out what tops the charts can often feel overwhelming. By sorting categories from TikTok based on user votes, a clear picture emerges of what styles and subjects resonate with the widest audience. This method helps sidestep biases and provides a democratic view of what is truly capturing people's attention. By participating in the voting process, users have a direct impact on the rankings, making the outcomes more reflective of current trends and preferences. This interactive approach not only keeps the listing dynamic and relevant but also encourages a broader engagement from the community, ensuring that the results are shaped by a diverse group of voices.

What Is the Most Popular Category on TikTok?

  1. 1


    Choreographed dances, dance challenges, and tutorials.
    • Popular Hashtag: #dance
  2. 2


    Travel destinations, tips, and experiences.
    • Popular Hashtag: #travel
  3. 3


    Do-it-yourself projects, crafts, and hacks.
    • Popular Hashtag: #diy
  4. 4


    Workout routines, fitness challenges, and health tips.
    • Popular Hashtag: #fitness
  5. 5

    Food & Cooking

    Recipes, cooking tips, and food trends.
    • Popular Hashtag: #food
  6. 6

    Beauty & Skincare

    Makeup tutorials, skincare routines, and beauty hacks.
    • Popular Hashtag: #beauty
  7. 7

    Pets & Animals

    Cute and funny pet and animal videos.
    • Popular Hashtag: #animals
  8. 8


    Humorous and sometimes shocking pranks.
    • Popular Hashtag: #pranks
  9. 9


    Short sketches, lip-syncing, and humorous videos.
    • Popular Hashtag: #entertainment
  10. 10


    Fashion trends, outfit ideas, and style inspiration.
    • Popular Hashtag: #fashion

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular category on TikTok. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Category is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 72 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Category once every 24 hours. The rank of each Category is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Category on TikTok

Rank #1 for the most popular category on TikTok: Dance (Source)
TikTok has taken the social media world by storm. Users flock to the app for its short, engaging videos. One category stands out as the most popular. This category draws millions of views and endless content.

Creators in this category showcase their talents. They often start with simple ideas but turn them into viral trends. Many users participate by creating their own versions. This keeps the content fresh and exciting. The app’s algorithm helps by promoting these videos to a wide audience.

The appeal lies in its accessibility. Anyone can join in. You don’t need fancy equipment or special skills. This encourages a diverse range of users to contribute. It also allows for a mix of professional and amateur content. This blend keeps the audience engaged and coming back for more.

The format of TikTok videos suits this category well. Short clips keep viewers’ attention. They can quickly scroll through many videos in a short time. This rapid consumption drives the popularity of the category. It also helps videos go viral faster.

This category benefits from the community aspect of TikTok. Users often collaborate and build on each other’s ideas. They create a sense of belonging. This collaborative spirit fuels creativity and innovation. It also helps trends spread quickly across the platform.

Monetization plays a role in its popularity. Many creators find ways to earn money through their videos. This can be through brand deals, sponsorships, or direct tips from fans. The potential for income draws more people to create content. It also raises the quality of the videos produced.

TikTok’s features support and enhance this category. Tools like filters, effects, and music add layers to the content. These tools make it easy for users to create polished videos. They also inspire new trends and challenges. This keeps the category dynamic and ever-changing.

The global reach of TikTok adds to its appeal. Users from around the world contribute to the content. This creates a rich tapestry of cultures and styles. It also means trends can start in one country and quickly spread worldwide. This global influence makes the category diverse and inclusive.

The most popular category on TikTok thrives on its adaptability. It evolves with the platform and its users. New trends emerge daily, keeping the content fresh. This constant evolution ensures it stays relevant and engaging. Users never know what they will see next, which keeps them hooked.

In conclusion, TikTok’s most popular category owes its success to several factors. Its accessibility invites a wide range of creators. The short video format suits rapid consumption. The community aspect fosters collaboration and creativity. Monetization opportunities attract high-quality content. TikTok’s features enhance the user experience. The global reach adds diversity. Finally, its adaptability ensures it remains fresh and exciting. This combination makes it the standout category on the platform.

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