The Most Popular Catholic Hymn, Ranked

Choose the hymn you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:44
Catholic hymns hold a profound place in the hearts of believers, carrying the weight of both tradition and personal spirituality. These pieces not only enhance the liturgical experience but also serve as vehicles for individual and communal prayer. With such a significant role, determining which hymns resonate most with the faithful can further enrich worship practices worldwide. By participating in voting for your preferred hymns, you contribute to a collective voice that echoes the spiritual preferences of a diverse community. This not only helps others find hymns that might uplift their own spiritual journeys but also preserves the songs that have supported the faith of many. Your vote ensures that the most cherished hymns continue to be celebrated and sung across generations.

What Is the Most Popular Catholic Hymn?

  1. 2

    Ave Maria

    A traditional Catholic hymn invoking the intercession of the Virgin Mary.
    • Composer: Franz Schubert
    • Language: Latin
  2. 3

    On Eagle's Wings

    A contemporary hymn that offers comfort and hope.
    • Composer: Michael Joncas
    • Year: 1979
  3. 4

    Tantum Ergo

    A hymn sung during the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
    • Composer: St. Thomas Aquinas
    • Language: Latin
  4. 5

    Panis Angelicus

    A hymn that reflects on the sacrament of the Eucharist.
    • Composer: César Franck
    • Year: 1872
  5. 6

    Be Not Afraid

    A hymn of assurance based on Isaiah 43.
    • Composer: Bob Dufford
    • Year: 1978
  6. 7

    Here I Am, Lord

    A modern Catholic hymn often used in worship and vocations services.
    • Composer: Dan Schutte
    • Year: 1981
  7. 8

    Immaculate Mary

    A hymn to the Virgin Mary, known for its use in the Marian devotion and the May crowning.
    • Also known as: The Lourdes Hymn
    • Language: English
  8. 9

    Ave Verum Corpus

    A short Eucharistic hymn dating from the 14th century.
    • Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
    • Year: 1791

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Catholic hymn. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Hymn is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 179 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Hymn once every 24 hours. The rank of each Hymn is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Catholic Hymn

Amazing Grace
Rank #1 for the most popular Catholic hymn: Amazing Grace (Source)
Catholic hymns play a vital role in the liturgy. They unite the congregation in song and prayer. These hymns have deep roots in the church's history. They often draw from scripture and tradition. Their melodies and words aim to uplift the faithful and bring them closer to God.

The origins of Catholic hymns trace back to the early church. In the first centuries, Christians sang psalms and chants. These early songs were simple and easy to remember. They helped spread the faith among believers. Over time, the church developed more complex forms of music. Gregorian chant emerged as a dominant style. Named after Pope Gregory I, this chant became central to Catholic worship.

Medieval times saw the rise of polyphony. This style involves multiple vocal lines sung together. It added richness to the music. Composers like Palestrina and Victoria made significant contributions. Their works still influence church music today. The Renaissance period brought further changes. Hymns became more expressive and varied.

The Reformation in the 16th century also impacted Catholic hymns. The Council of Trent addressed church music. It called for clarity in words and music. This led to a renewed focus on the text. Hymns needed to convey the message of the faith clearly. The Baroque period followed with even more elaborate compositions. Composers like Bach and Handel, though not Catholic, influenced the broader Christian music tradition.

In the 19th century, hymn writing flourished. Many hymns from this era remain popular. They often feature strong, memorable melodies. The words reflect deep theological insights. These hymns spread through hymnals and songbooks. The Second Vatican Council in the 1960s brought significant changes. It encouraged the use of the vernacular in the liturgy. This led to new hymns in local languages. Folk and contemporary styles also gained acceptance.

Today, Catholic hymns come in various styles. Traditional hymns still hold a place in worship. Contemporary hymns bring fresh expressions of faith. Both types aim to inspire and engage the congregation. Hymns often accompany key parts of the Mass. They mark moments like the entrance, offertory, communion, and recessional. Each hymn serves a purpose within the liturgy.

Composers continue to create new hymns for the church. They draw from scripture, tradition, and personal faith experiences. These hymns reflect the diverse cultures within the Catholic Church. They bring together different musical traditions. This diversity enriches the worship experience.

Hymns also play a role outside the liturgy. They feature in prayer services, retreats, and other church events. Many Catholics find comfort and inspiration in these songs. They sing them in times of joy and sorrow. Hymns become a part of their spiritual journey.

Catholic hymns connect the past with the present. They link generations of believers. Through these songs, the faithful express their love for God. They find unity in their shared faith. Hymns continue to evolve, reflecting the living tradition of the church. They remain a vital part of Catholic worship and devotion.

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